Friday, March 27, 2009

my dads poem

Time is running away like a wild stallionbut this old goat, just does his thingyounger bucks make comments todaybut they to will setime just flies awaylooking back I didn't sow many wild oatsso there's not to many weeds to pullyes sometimes i get lonelymaybe my life is someway dullsometimes people call me on the phoneusually if they need a handbut when it's cold and I'm alonethey just don't seem to understandso like the mighty oak treeI bear the scars of seasons pastbut it to shows it's age in timeme with wrinkles, and itwhen it's bark is castlike the snow you see in winterso to does it color my hairlacking in spots, some call distinctionI just say it's all baremy heart dances with springtimethough my body talks of fallmany sorrows and memoriesand I have survived them all.Tom Atterberry3-15-02

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