Friday, March 27, 2009

my random thoughts

I cant think right now my mind is all over the place. I guess I am just bored and there’s noting better to do then just write every single thought that is going through my mind right now maybe after I get it all out I will be able to sleep and not have a night filled with racing thoughts.
Lets see I am thinking about my mom and how much I miss her I can still here her laugh and the way she use to baby talk. I am thinking about my dad and wondering how he is doing and wishing that I could write as good as he does. I am thinking about my kids and how much I would love to see them, but with no way to do so. I am thinking of Avery and how lucky I am to have such an understanding guy who loves me with no limits. I am thinking about how wonderful his family is and how lucky I am to have them and I am also thinking about my aunt and how she may be doing, I really should call her more often then I do. I really should call my dad to I bet he is wondering how I am doing. Well I am all thought out but if any more random thoughts come to mind I will be back with more to talk about. Now hopefully I can sleep. Good night all have a good night and a very good week.
Sincerely Billie atterberry

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